Why Politics Matter
No matter what your party affiliation or where you stand on many of today’s issues, as union members we come together to fight for wages, health care, pensions and safety at the workplace.
Voting Information I Take Action: Events in Your Area I IATSE Advocacy Resources I Support the IATSE PAC I Why Politics Matter
Voting Information
Visit the IATSE Voter Toolkit to find relevant information on the following:
- How to find out if you are registered
- How to register if you are not
- Registration deadlines by state
- Online registration
- How to get an Absentee or Vote-by-Mail ballot
- When early voting starts by state and mail voting deadlines
- Poll times
Take Action: Events in Your Area
For members looking to get involved in Get Out the Vote opportunities, the IATSE has upcoming events in your area:
AFL-CIO’s “Labor Votes”
For members looking to get involved in political events in their area, check out the AFL-CIO’s “Labor Votes” website, which allows union members to filter for activities in their city, find virtual opportunities, or select activities on an interactive map.
Western Region
We're organizing a March on January 18th with Women's March The details are still in formation but we will take to the streets - We Will Not Go Back! More info
IATSE Advocacy Resources
The IATSE Political / Legislation page contains resources the International has developed for IATSE local use.
Support the IATSE PAC
IATSE PAC Action Center
Why Politics Matter
In the past, issues related to our jobs and industry were addressed primarily through collective bargaining. Now, however, Local 600 has increasingly turned to the legislative and regulatory process to solve problems that affect working families. This is most apparent in efforts around state incentive programs, but we've also used political action to protect and expand access to state disability and family leave programs, contain health care costs and prohibit restrictive pre-hire employment contracts. Our union is most effective when it advocates at every arena where potential solutions can be achieved.
Your union should be involved politically in areas that impact your work life. Whether it's ensuring sustainable and affordable benefits, making sure you can access state and federal programs, or strengthening safety protections, disability benefits or cost transparency when seeking emergency medical care, Local 600 is committed to fighting for state and local legislation and regulations that serve us, and battling those that do not.